在 YAML 中,我有一个很长的字符串。我想将其保留在编辑器的 80 列(左右)视图中,因此我想断开字符串。这个的语法是什么?
Key: 'this is my very very very very very very long string'
Key: 'this is my very very very ' + 'long string'
使用 yaml 折叠样式。每行的缩进将被忽略。最后将插入一个换行符。
Key: > This is a very long sentence that spans several lines in the YAML but which will be rendered as a string with only a single carriage return appended to the end.
您可以使用“block chomping indicator”来消除尾随换行符,如下所示:
Key: >- This is a very long sentence that spans several lines in the YAML but which will be rendered as a string with NO carriage returns.
在 YAML 中编写多行字符串有5 6 NINE(或 63*,取决于您的计数方式)不同的方式。
yaml key: > Your long string here.
```yaml key: | ### Heading
* Bullet * Points
yaml key: "Antidisestab\ lishmentarianism.\n\nGet on it."
这些允许诸如转义\和不转义的字符,并在字符串的末尾"添加一个新行 ( )。\n
> 折叠样式删除字符串中的单个换行符(但在末尾添加一个,并将双换行符转换为单行):
Key: > this is my very very very long string
→this is my very very very long string\n
this is my very very very long string\n
| 文字样式 将字符串中的每个换行符转换为文字换行符,并在末尾添加一个:
Key: | this is my very very very long string
→this is my very very very\nlong string\n
this is my very very very\nlong string\n
这是YAML Spec 1.2的官方定义
建议:使用它来插入格式化文本(尤其是 Markdown)作为值。
\n\n您可以通过添加块选择指示符来控制字符串中最后一个新行以及任何尾随空白行 ( ) 的处理:
Key: this is my very very very long string
双引号样式(\并且"必须用 转义\,换行符可以用文字\n序列插入,行可以不带空格的尾随连接\):
Key: "this is my very very \"very\" loooo\ ng string.\n\nLove, YAML."
→"this is my very very \"very\" loooong string.\n\nLove, YAML."
"this is my very very \"very\" loooong string.\n\nLove, YAML."
建议:在非常特殊的情况下使用。这是您可以在不添加空格的情况下跨行打破非常长的标记(如 URL)的唯一方法。也许在中线添加换行符是有用的。
Key: 'this is my very very "very" long string, isn''t it.'
→"this is my very very \"very\" long string, isn't it."
"this is my very very \"very\" long string, isn't it."
- >8 My long string starts over here - |+1 This one starts here
如果您在折叠样式的非第一行的开头插入额外的空格,它们将被保留,并带有一个额外的换行符。(流样式不会发生这种情况。)第 6.5 节:
- > my long string many spaces above - my long string many spaces above
→["my long\n string\n \nmany spaces above\n","my long string\nmany spaces above"]
["my long\n string\n \nmany spaces above\n","my long string\nmany spaces above"]
在此表中,_表示space character。\n表示“换行符”(\n在 JavaScript 中),“其他功能”下除外。“前导空格”在第一行之后应用(建立缩进)
space character
- > very "long" 'string' with paragraph gap, \n and spaces. - | very "long" 'string' with paragraph gap, \n and spaces. - very "long" 'string' with paragraph gap, \n and spaces. - "very \"long\" 'string' with paragraph gap, \n and s\ p\ a\ c\ e\ s." - 'very "long" ''string'' with paragraph gap, \n and spaces.' - >- very "long" 'string' with paragraph gap, \n and spaces. [ "very \"long\" 'string' with\nparagraph gap, \\n and spaces.\n", "very \"long\"\n'string' with\n\nparagraph gap, \\n and \nspaces.\n", "very \"long\" 'string' with\nparagraph gap, \\n and spaces.", "very \"long\" 'string' with\nparagraph gap, \n and spaces.", "very \"long\" 'string' with\nparagraph gap, \\n and spaces.", "very \"long\" 'string' with\nparagraph gap, \\n and spaces." ]
\*2 种块样式,每种都有 2 个可能的块缩进指示符(或没有),以及 9 个可能的缩进指示符(或没有),1 种普通样式和 2 种引用样式:2 x (2 + 1) x (9 + 1) + 1 + 2 = 63